niedziela, 9 kwietnia 2017

Tydzień Życzliwości - finał

Friday was the last day of the Week of Kindness. 

We chose the King and the Queen of Kindness and had great fun at the film evening.

Thanks for helping with the event!
Hope you enjoyed it.

czwartek, 6 kwietnia 2017

Tydzień Życzliwości - dzień 4

Today (Thursday) we had an exhibition of Easter decorations handmade by our students. 
You can't imagine how creative they are.
Next we sold the decorations to support our reading corner (under construction).

Good job kids!!!
Thank you parents ;)

Tydzień Życzliwości

During the week, students from 4th, 5th and 6th grades prepared snacks for the rest of the school.

Thank you guys for the delicious treat!!!

Tydzień Życzliwości - dzień 3

On Wednesday students read rhymes and fragments of books.
They read fragments of "Winnie the Pooh" and "Savoir Vivre for children". (in Polish of course;))
After all there is a reading program in our school this year.

Tydzień Życzliwości - dzień 2

On Tuesday all classes prepared postars. The topic - kindness.

They are displayed in each class's Savoir Vivre corner.

Tydzień Życzliwości - dzień 1

On 3rd April 2017 The Kindness  Week started at our school.

On Monday we distributed special badges to all students and teachers.